Sunday, April 24, 2005

Is it so?

Today, I had two separate conversations with friends about being single. While, in general, I don't mind being single...Related to the love of my independence. Anyone who knows me well, knows that I can be very stubborn(not always a good thing) and my impatience for people that do not want to partake in fun adventures that I think up. Sometimes, I think I have great ideas to do random things, when they may not always be the best ideas in retrospect(don't worry...Nothing illegal).

However, during one conversation the question of "Is there one person for everyone out there, or are some people meant to be alone forever?" While everyone has varying opinions on this subject, I agree with Mel. I do not think that there is just one person out there that is your one and only true love. However, I will add the disclaimer that I do not think that you should be trying out every flavor at Baskin Robbins, either. And yes, I do think that there are some people that should be single forever....Well, maybe not single, but just not procreate.

The one question I do pose is...Why do I know so many freaks that have significant others when I know plenty of great normal people that are single...And looking? Not that some of my friends would want to date any of those freaks**, but is there a shortage of normal people out there?

Anyhow, I am just tired and rambling now. Please leave your thoughts on this subject.

**no, in general, I do not think that some people are better than others and are too good to date some people

1 comment:

Sanjida said...

I totally hear ya about the tons of freaks with SOs and yet here we are, all alone and looking (and at least in my case, often finding freaks anyway). Grrrr. At least I can say I'm having fun anyway. See ya soon!!!!