Friday, April 01, 2005

All tatted up

For the past few years I have wanted to get a tattoo, but could never decide what I wanted. I felt the lower back and chinese symbols were way overdone. I always joked that I would get a potato, because potatos never go out of style. I even had many a fake tattoo potatos drawn on me this past summer by my bosses daughter. They usually centered around a mole on my arm, so it looked like an eye on the potato. Well, I finally took the dive in to tattoo land this past Wednesday and got a celtic symbol on my inner ankle. This is what is looks like.

Hope you all like it as much as I do.

ps. The inner ankle really hurts.


Aaron said...

Did I tell you about my other piercing?

slens04 said...

Oh my! Do tell! I bet it is scandelous...just like you.

Aaron said...

Seriously, what's with the nun. And what happened to her eye.