Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Our Apartment got warmed

Highlights/random events of the apartment warming party:

*Mel and Aaron came in town just for it
*everyone I wanted to be there was there(minus my family)
*our shower rod somehow became bent(if anyone has any information on this, please let us know. We are not at all upset, we would just liket o be entertained by the story behind it)
*the front railing fell off the front of our building
*we did a round of shots out of a bottle of tequila from Mexico
*dancing, lots and lots of dancing
*dancing on coffee and dining room tables
*Mel made her first trip to Boys Town
*Mel ate a sandwich
*Shake it off
*The number 5
*toe touches
*Rod, Mitch, Tito, and Jerome
*pouring of beer into Aaron's mouth
*jello shots
*my co-workers came
*the exercise ball
*Yo MTV Raps
*the recreation of the formal picture
*the wooden man
*the story of the man and his mane
*T Bellt he next day for lunch and the case of the missing doobie

Unfortunately the snake eatting it's prey was unable to attend the party. It was a great time over all. Thanks for everyone who helped to make memories.

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