Sunday, September 18, 2005

The burrito has a tumor

My futon had been affectionately known as "the burrito" for years. Everytime I move, I think I am just going to throw the thing out, but it just hasn't happened yet.

Since I got home from work at about 330pm yesterday the burrito has had a tumor. Yes, I have been laying on the burrito almost non-stop. I got off it yesterday to make a trip to the White Hen which completely wore me out. I again moved off it to go to bed last night. When I got up this morning, I showered and moved back to the burrito. Unfortunately, I have been quite sick this weekend. It started out Thursday night when I noticed my tonsils enlarged and I had a sore throat. It started out upper respiratory and now I am achy all over and have a fever. It's awful. I hate being sick.

This blog was made from the burrito.


Lindsay said...

It is so sad that you are sick my friend! It's a good thing you still have the burrito to cuddle up with!! Never throw it out!

Anonymous said...

The burrito is a great place to pass out.


Aaron said...

Wait, I thought I got the burrito!

slens04 said...

Wow, the burrito is getting lots of love. Maybe we can all sleep on it together like a slumber party and tell our deepest darkest secrets...then finish off the night with a game of Light as a Feather, Stiff as a board.