Sunday, January 01, 2006

Ode to 2005

The year 2005...NOT a bore
But, all the traveling could have left my butt quite sore

"Go Hawks" is what I yelled in January
The last second catch was just plain scary

In February, my dad turned another year older
And the weather kept turning colder

In March I headed to Marco Island with my bags all packed
Where I laid on the beach and burned my back

In late April there was a trip to Iowa City
Where Aaron and I celebrated our 24th with a little ditty

I made the trip there again in Mid-May
To watch Josh get his law school diploma the I-O-way

I moved on a very hot day in June
With the help of my family, I now have a much bigger room

In July, to St Louis I was headed, until I got a flat
But I got there, saw my family and the Cardinals swing the bat

August and September were full of work, work, work
Unlike camp, this was not work I could shirk

In October, to my grandparents and Columbus, I did drive
Somehow, the Taurus is still alive

To Iowa City and Madison did I go in November
The Hawks beat MN and eating Russian dumplings, I will always remember

December was busy, but also full of rest
I spent the holidays with family and mine's the very best.


Anonymous said...

You're a poet.
Didn't know it.
Your feet show it...

They're Longfellows!!!

Awesome year in review!


Anonymous said...

Great Poem Chom!!! Stace, I am no longer helping you move if you don't give me credit in future poems.


Aaron said...

Wow, who knew you were the artsy type?!?

Sanjida said...

thats awesome. happy new year stacey!

J. Wallace said...

Stop being a nurse and write a poetry book. You could go on tour of the whole country and sign copies of your book. It'd be great!