Monday, August 29, 2005

Summit...2 years ago...

Good golly this is a blast from the past.
L to R: May, Me, Vanis, Carly, Megan, Eddie, Gabe, and V Train

Over the years of RAing it had become tradition to take the new RAs under our wings during training week and all go out and have a good time. Forgetting about things like programming paper work, WOW events, bulletin boards, door decs and the dreaded RARs. During this particular night out we went to the Summit to enjoy a few cocktails and got a little crazy(as evidenced by our empty Sexy Alligator glasses on the table). We made a pit stop in Daum to hang out in Eddie room and use his restroom. After we got back to Dirty Burge that night, things stayed right on the out of control path. Two girls had the great idea to take apart a fan while it was running...Fortunately no one got hurt. However, we were all hurting a little the next day as we sat in hours of training sessions, listening to our managers drone on and on. At one point, I looked down at my flip flops(the same ones I had worn out the night before) and saw they had crusted vomit on them. Some girl had puked in the bathroom and it splattered onto my shoe(fortunately it wasn't anyone that was out with us). The highlight of the day was fire panel training at 3pm...And Vanis knows why...ha ha. I just wanted to throw up(no pun intended) a picture of a good time of days gone by. This was one great night with one great staff...miss you guys.


Aaron said...

It's sad that I'm missing from the picture.


Anonymous said...

I agree. :(- I wasnt trying to be a funhater!

slens04 said...

I agree that I wish you both had been there. We had so many good times together. I miss you both!!!